A Change in View Can Bring About a Lot of Change


Doing the same thing again and again is pretty boring. Even if it is something that you like, you get tired doing it day in and day out. I think I am not alone in this boat, slowly cruising towards insanity. I will have many for company, fellow travellers around the globe. Everyone should take a break and move away from everything, even if it is just for a day. One day should be spent doing things that you love – a day where you have no responsibilities and get to exist like a carefree soul!

As a Sydneysider, I have plenty of options right in and around my beautiful city. Asking my friends for their suggestions ranged from the usual day at the spa with all the treatments, a relaxing Sydney Harbour lunch cruise, getting lost in the nearby Blue Mountains and the like. I was slightly tempted with the idea of a Sydney Harbour cruise as I wanted to experience what Jack felt in Titanic. Stand on the bow, take in the aroma of the sea and scream at the top of my lungs “I am king of the world”! But on second thought, doing the same on the harbour would be like eating at Dominos and wishing for an authentic Italian experience. Also, the tourists at Sydney Harbour and cruise passengers might complain, cutting short my ‘me day’ cruise. I might even make the next day news, “Hysterical man removed from Sydney Harbour cruise vessel!”

Also with the harbour bustling with noisy tourists, I decided to drop the cruise plans. Not being an outdoorsy person, the trek at Blue Mountains was also swiftly dropped. But, the Blue Mountain view there which I saw online, gave new direction to my quest in search of the perfect ‘me day’. My search morphed into looking for a place with the best view in Sydney or close by. A few clicks on the web and I found my view, right here in the middle of the city, at the Sydney Tower.

Standing more than a thousand feet above the ground, I was able to get a commanding view of the city in all directions. Seeing everything so small – cars, vessels on the water, the crowd enjoying the Sydney harbour views and cruises, all made me realise the insignificance of life. You start to think less of yourself and notice things that you never keenly observed before, like the blue of the sky, cloud patterns, the deep and vast sea. All these lend perspective to your life, making you think of the big picture, making your problems in life seem so much smaller.

Now I have a new mantra to keep me going in life, “When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.”

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