Camping on Missouri Public Lands – Conservation Areas


In the state of Missouri there are over 900 properties operated by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) as “Conservation Areas.” These Conservation Areas (CA’s) can be operated for a variety of purposes. Some are managed as nature preserves, some allow hunting, some allow fishing, some are mainly boat accesses, and some are combinations of all or some of these. If you are considering a camping trip to a CA, it is wise to know what the area is used for primarily, and also to make sure camping is allowed. For example, if you are not camping in an area for hunting purposes and will be camping during the Fall deer firearms season, you might not fully enjoy your stay.

One of the areas we have used that offers a bit of everything is Peck Ranch Conservation area in the Ozarks of Missouri. While it is not representative of all CA’s, it does suggest what some of those that are most amenable to camping have to offer. There are two designated camping areas at Peck. One is designated for campers who will not use generators and one for those who will. This is nice for those tent campers who wish to have peace and solitude without the noisiness of a generator blaring in the background. At the non-generator site there are also pit toilets. Both campgrounds are outfitted with fire rings and picnic tables. This is most certainly an example of a campground where there is much activity associated with deer and turkey hunting seasons. So, if you wish to avoid this, avoid visiting at these times. This unique CA has over 25,000 acres of total area, about half of which is a designated wildlife area and fenced off from the rest. It was once a logging operation and has some unique history as well as geographical features. Summertime is a great time to visit for those who are looking for a camping place away from the crowds.

Another example of a nice CA for camping at the other end of the state (northern Missouri) is Union Ridge just West of Kirksville. There, unlike most CA’s, you can camp adjacent to area parking lots. Additionally, at “Parking Lot N” off of County Road D, there is a campground with similar facilities to those described at Peck Ranch. Again, things can be a bit hectic for non-hunters during deer season, but this area has more to offer than hunting. While not as big as Peck Ranch (around 8,000 acres), it has about 12 total acres of fishing lakes and ponds, including Union Ridge Lake. These lakes have populations of bass, crappie, catfish, and sunfish.

If you are camping at a CA, and you will want a campground, keep in mind that if there is a campground it will offer only “primitive camping” facilities. This means that you will have a fire ring, and perhaps a picnic table and/or outhouse. Having said this, some of these campgrounds are quite well maintained and in absolutely beautiful settings. Since some of these campgrounds are quite small, and there is no reservation system, you might wish to also be prepared to camp outside these areas.

If you choose to camp outside a campground at a CA, assuming this is allowed, keep in mind that you must be 100 yards from the nearest road or parking lot. Also, if you are camping along a stream or river, camp at least 100 feet away. Also, keep in mind that under certain weather conditions flooding or even flash flooding can be a danger.

To find a CA that meets your needs, a bit of research can go a long way. Fortunately, there are two very nice resources to aid you in this process. First, is the MDC Conservation Atlas. This atlas is very helpful in that it gives area descriptions, maps, regulations, an outline of allowable activities, and of course, information on camping. Most of these have downloadable maps and/or brochures with trails, camping areas, and even driving directions to the area. The CA’s in the atlas are searchable by name of the CA, county, or region. This process of switching back and forth from the CA to the atlas can be a bit laborious. You end up doing quite a lot of navigating back and forth between the atlas and the CA pages. The resource below might assist you in narrowing down the possibilities.

The possibilities for camping in Missouri Conservation Areas will greatly expand the pool of camping areas available to the Missouri camper. If you do not want or need the amenities of a “fancy” private campground or one run by another government agency, these areas might be just right for you.

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