Missionary Airfare For Your Missions Trip


Preparing for your missions trip is very exciting, and you will want to make sure you have taken each step very carefully to have a successful missions trip experience. Foreign missions will need some intricate planning to make sure that all the details are covered. You will want to think about several things. First of all, preparing your heart is the most important step. Prayerful consideration and seeking the Lord are the most important and vital components of any mission trip.

The Word of God shares how we can be prepared with the full armor of God. Ephesians chapter 6 outlines the full armor we need to have in place in order to stand strong for the Lord! Prayer is a vital step and seeking the Lord in your plans. You will want to be prayerful and wait upon the Lord. A sensitive heart towards the Lord with an openness to go and preach the gospel to every creature is the first step in preparing for your missions trip.

Practically, there are some other steps to consider in preparing to go on an international missions trip. You will want to make sure you have your Missions Pastor or a Missionary Travel Specialist helping you in your planning process.

Many people are not aware that Missionary and Humanitarian Airfare is available to them if they are taking a mission trip. You can book your trip up to 11 months in advance with little or no money down in most cases to allow you to raise support while still holding your flights. This is such an amazing tool that many people are not aware is available to them if they are traveling for missionary or humanitarian related purposes.

Adoption travel is also an area which qualifies for humanitarian airfare. Many adopting families are able to benefit from humanitarian airfare when traveling to visit their child and pick them from another country. This can be a huge blessing when adopting internationally to have a travel agency who will work out all of the details of adoption travel, setting the adopting parent’s mind at ease.

Dependable missions travel companies hold contracts with major airlines to provide you with missionary airfare for your missions trip. A travel specialist who is specifically praying for your trip is very important. You will want to have someone who is available to you through each step of the process from booking your flights, to baggage, and layover questions.

Safe Travels,

Tabitha Lovell, International Travel Specialist
MKI Group Travel

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