Shake Your Hips to Jamaica’s Traditional Island Dances


Music and dance are two elements of Jamaican culture that you should consider experiencing during your visit to the island. Many original dances in Jamaica are of African origin, and Jamaicans love to dance. The traditional dances of the island bear a striking resemblance to African dances, but the newer […]

The Ultimate Jewish Cruises in Europe 2018


As more Jews become more interested in their culture and history, Jewish cruises are becoming more competitive and are creating more immersive and enticing Jewish tours. Many travelers, particularly those who have Jewish ancestors or are practicing Judaism go on these tours because they want to learn their history, pay […]

Surfing and Camping in California


Camping in California just goes with surfing. How else could most surfers afford a weekend in Big Sur? I know I can’t afford a spa. I’ve camped many times in places where I could surf. Though there weren’t always waves, there was always a fire and some hot dogs. Like […]

Top 3 Pilot Training Software


Although, there are numerous computer-based training programs, Pilot Training Software is an option that is often left aside. Even though the efficacy of pilot training is unquestionable, however, many people believe that software of this type is only intended for recreational purposes, when it is really a part of serious […]

Is a Cruise Vacation on Your Bucket List?


When was the last time you took a vacation? Can you remember your last vacation? What is a vacation? vacation (v-kshn, v-) n. 1. A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest or relaxation, especially one with pay granted to an employee. 2. a. A holiday.b. A fixed period of […]

A Brief History of Aviation – 1908 Onwards


This is part two of a two-part review of Aviation from its beginnings to the present day. It is a subjective look at a few of the highlights in the development of Aviation over the centuries. Glenn Hammond Curtiss who was well known in the aviation field by 1908, won […]

Canadian Rockies: Hiking to Lake O’Hara


“…by bringing myself over the edge and back, I discovered a passion to live my days fully, a conviction that will sustain me like sweet water on the periodically barren plain of our short lives,” Jonathan Waterman. This is how I feel every time I head out hiking to the […]

What Is An Inn?


An inn is an old fashioned term for a place where travelers seek lodgings for a night. It goes back quite a bit in time where inns were first established thousands of years ago as the Roman’s built their road system. They figured that people using those roads would also […]